The Most Popular Middle Names for Girls in 2023




Choosing a middle name for your daughter is a significant decision. It’s a unique element of her identity that often carries personal or familial significance. In 2023, the trends in middle names for girls are as diverse and beautiful as the names themselves. Whether you’re looking for something classic, trendy, or unique, this guide will help you navigate the myriad of choices.

Key Insights:

  • Trendy Middle Names: Names like Rose, Elizabeth, Grace, and Marie remain popular for their timeless appeal.
  • Stylistic Themes: Rustic or Southern style names are gaining popularity.
  • Versatility: One-syllable middle names like Rae and Wren are versatile and flow well with many first names.
  • Timeless vs. Modern: Parents are choosing between timeless names like Hannah and Katherine and modern ones like Rylee and Aubrey.
  • Length Matters: Short names like Ann and Kate are as popular as longer ones like Alexandra and Josephine.

In 2023, the landscape of middle names for girls is both vibrant and varied. Sources like and highlight a mix of classic and contemporary names that are topping the charts. Names such as Anne, Kay, Sophia, Bella, Avery, and Claire are popular for their simplicity and elegance. Meanwhile, trendy middle names like Pearl, Violet, Josephine, and June offer a modern twist on tradition.

Stylistic Themes and Their Popularity

The stylistic theme of a middle name can add a special flair to your daughter’s full name. According to insights from Minimalist Mama, rustic or Southern style names are particularly trendy this year. These names, characterized by their earthy and homegrown feel, include options like Wren Rae Byrnes and Goldie Rae Byrnes. They blend beautifully with various first names, providing a harmonious and memorable name combination.

Top 20 Middle Names for Girls in 2023

  1. Rose
  2. Elizabeth
  3. Grace
  4. Jane
  5. Marie
  6. Anne
  7. Kay
  8. Sophia
  9. Bella
  10. Avery
  11. Claire
  12. June
  13. Hazel
  14. Peyton
  15. Pearl
  16. Violet
  17. Josephine
  18. Wren
  19. Goldie
  20. Adeline

This list, derived from sources like Mama Natural, showcases the diversity in middle names this year. Whether you prefer a name with a classic ring like Elizabeth and Marie, or something with a modern edge like Wren and Goldie, there’s a name for every preference.

The Most Popular Middle Names for Girls in 2023
The Most Popular Middle Names for Girls in 2023 3

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Choosing the Perfect Middle Name

When it comes to selecting the perfect middle name for your daughter, it’s important to consider how it complements her first and last name. As Mama Natural suggests, the middle name should flow well and avoid spelling anything undesirable with initials. Names like Elizabeth and Marie are beloved for their versatility, effortlessly pairing with a wide range of first names. Similarly, Rose offers a vintage charm that complements many first names.

Timeless vs. Modern Middle Names

The choice between a timeless and a modern middle name is often reflective of personal taste and the desired overall style. Timeless names like Hannah, Katherine, and Charlotte have endured through generations and suit various age groups. Modern names, such as Rylee and Aubrey, offer a contemporary touch and can set a distinctive tone for your child’s name.

Short vs. Long Middle Names

The length of the middle name can significantly impact the overall flow of your child’s full name. Short names like Ann, Kate, and Lee provide a concise and elegant touch, especially when paired with longer first and last names. Conversely, long middle names like Alexandra, Penelope, and Josephine add a melodic quality and are particularly fitting when the first and last names are shorter.


Q: How do I choose a middle name that complements the first name?
A: Consider the rhythm and flow of the names together. Pairing a short first name with a longer middle name, or vice versa, often creates a harmonious balance.

Q: Are there any benefits to choosing a one-syllable middle name?
A: Yes, one-syllable middle names, like Rae or Wren, are versatile and can seamlessly fit with a variety of first names.

Q: What are some timeless middle names for girls?
A: Timeless names include classics like Elizabeth, Marie, Hannah, Katherine, and Charlotte. These names have a lasting appeal across generations.

Q: Can the middle name be a way to honor a family member?
A: Absolutely! Many parents choose middle names to honor loved ones or carry forward family traditions.

The Most Popular Middle Names for Girls in 2023
The Most Popular Middle Names for Girls in 2023 4


In 2023, the range of popular middle names for girls is diverse and exciting. From the timeless elegance of Elizabeth and Marie to the modern charm of Rylee and Aubrey, there’s a middle name for every taste and style. Whether you prefer a short, punchy name or a longer, melodious one, the perfect middle name for your daughter is out there. Remember, the middle name is more than just a placeholder; it’s a part of her identity and story.

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