Cloth Diaper Service Cost: How Much Should You Expect to Pay?




If you’re considering cloth diapering, but don’t want to deal with the extra laundry and diaper care, a cloth diaper service might be a great option for you. Cloth diaper services provide you with cloth diapers each week and pick up your dirty diapers for laundering. But how much does a cloth diaper service cost?

In this article, we’ll take a look at the cost of diaper services across the U.S. We’ll also compare the cost of using a cloth diaper service to the cost of washing diapers at home or using disposables. By the end of this article, you’ll have a better idea of whether a cloth diaper service is worth the cost for your family.

Key Takeaways

  • Cloth diaper services provide a convenient option for those who want to use cloth diapers but don’t want to deal with the extra laundry and diaper care.
  • The cost of a cloth diaper service varies depending on the company and location, but it can be comparable to the cost of using disposables.
  • If you’re considering using a cloth diaper service, it’s important to do your research and compare the cost to other diapering options to determine if it’s worth the investment for your family.

What is a Cloth Diaper Service?

A cloth diaper service is a rental service that provides families with the environmental benefits of cloth diapers without the hassle of laundry and diaper care. A cloth diaper service company handles all the logistics of cloth diapers for you, including providing diapers and laundering them. Each week, they deliver a set of fresh cloth diapers to your doorstep and take away your soiled diapers for washing. These diapers then get professionally cleaned and sanitized before being delivered back to families.

The type of diapers offered by cloth diaper companies vary. Most companies offer prefold inserts that are absorbent cotton fabric that you put into waterproof diaper covers. Usually, you provide your own diaper covers but some companies will also supply diaper covers at an additional cost. About half the companies also offer an all-in-one diaper option at a higher cost. All-in-one diapers are the closest cloth diaper to disposables and are one diaper that you put on just like a disposable that gets washed all together as one piece. All-in-one diapers are often required by daycares.

Cloth diaper services offer a luxury option for families who are conscious about reducing waste but are also realistic about the demands of parenting. It’s an eco-friendly and convenient option that combines the best of both worlds.

Here are some benefits of using a cloth diaper service:

  • Eco-friendly: Cloth diapers are reusable and reduce waste compared to disposable diapers.
  • Convenience: A cloth diaper service takes care of the laundry and delivers fresh diapers to your doorstep.
  • Baby health: Cloth diapers are made of 100% cotton or bamboo disposables, which are gentle on your baby’s skin.
  • Cost-effective: Cloth diaper services are often more cost-effective than buying eco-friendly disposables.
  • Customizable: You can choose from different types of cloth diapers, such as prefolds, pockets, or all-in-ones, depending on your preference.
  • Accessible: Cloth diaper services are available to families who don’t have the time or resources to launder their own cloth diapers.
  • Diaper accessories: Some cloth diaper services also offer diaper accessories like wet bags, covers, and snappis to make diapering easier.

In conclusion, a cloth diaper service is a great option for families who want to reduce waste and be eco-friendly while still enjoying the convenience of disposable diapers. It’s a luxury option that is cost-effective, customizable, and accessible to families who want to make a difference.

How much does a cloth diaper service cost?

Cloth diaper services can be a convenient option for parents who want to use cloth diapers but don’t have the time or desire to launder them themselves. However, they can also be quite expensive. In this section, we will explore the average cost of cloth diaper services and compare it to the cost of DIY cloth diapers and disposable diapers.

Cloth diaper service cost vs. DIY cloth diapers

If you’re considering cloth diaper services, you may be wondering how much they cost compared to buying and washing your own cloth diapers. According to our research, the average weekly cost of cloth diaper services across ten U.S. cities is $28.80, which comes out to $1499.58 per year. However, if you opt to buy and wash your own cloth diapers, you can save over $1000 per year. Even if you choose to use high-end all-in-one diapers, you’ll still save almost half the cost compared to using a diaper service.

The table below compares the estimated cost per year of cloth diaper services to DIY pre-folds and all-in-ones cloth diapers:

Diaper Type Estimated Cost Per Year (as of June 2023)
Cloth Diaper Service $1499.58
DIY pre-folds Cloth Diapers $264 (budget diapers); $344 (name brand diapers)
DIY All-in-Ones Cloth Diapers $366 (budget diapers); $834 (name brand diapers)

Note that the yearly cloth diaper service cost was calculated by taking the average weekly cost across our U.S. sample ($28.80/week) multiplied by 52. The total for owning your own cloth diapers and laundering them yourself comes from an analysis of cloth vs. disposable diaper costs. The first estimate is for pre-folds and covers since this is the system that is the closest equivalent to cloth diaper services.

A set of budget-brand pre-folds and covers costs approximately $77, and a name-brand set costs approximately $157. Diaper accessories such as wipes, pail, and wet bags cost $88. Laundering cloth diapers costs roughly $99 a year, according to our breakdown of cloth diaper laundry costs.

We also included the costs if you elect to use all-in-one diapers instead, which are more expensive than pre-folds and covers. Many families prefer all-in-ones or pockets over diaper covers, so these costs are likely to be more in line with average costs.

Note that these estimates do not include a separate set of newborn-sized cloth diapers. Babies often grow out of these quickly, so for many people, they are not worth the added expense.

Diaper service cost vs. disposable

If you’re weighing the cost of cloth diaper services against disposable diapers, you’ll find that disposable diapers are the cheapest option. According to our research, you can save over $1000 per year by using store-brand disposables compared to cloth diaper services. The table below shows the estimated cost comparison, updated in June 2023:

Diaper Type Estimated Cost Per Year
Cloth Diaper Service $1499.58
Disposable – store brand $290.00
Disposable – name brand $685.00

The diaper service cost was estimated from our weekly $28.80 average multiplied by 52. Disposable diaper costs were totaled based on the estimated diaper usage detailed in the table below:

Diaper Size Changes Per Day Total Diapers Store Brand Costs Name Brand Costs
Newborn (1 month) 10 300 $30 $72
Size 1 (2 months) 8 488 $44 $93
Size 2 (2 months) 8 488 $49 $98
Size 3 (7 months) 6 1278 $141 $294
Wipes (1 per change) $26 $102
TOTAL 2554 $290 $685

As you can see, store-brand disposables are significantly cheaper than cloth diaper services. However, it’s worth noting that disposable diapers have a higher environmental impact than cloth diapers and can take hundreds of years to decompose in landfills.

In conclusion, while cloth diaper services can be a convenient option for parents, they can also be quite expensive. If you’re looking to save money, buying and washing your own cloth diapers or using store-brand disposable diapers are more budget-friendly options.

Conclusion: Are Cloth Diaper Services Worth the Cost?

When deciding whether a cloth diaper service is worth the cost, it ultimately comes down to your budget and goals. Cloth diaper services can be much more expensive than washing your own cloth diapers or using disposables, costing over $1000 more a year compared to economy disposables or DIY cloth diaper options. Even on the higher end, you can save hundreds of dollars by doing it yourself.

However, if your goal is to be as environmentally friendly as possible, a cloth diaper service may be the best option for you. Cloth diapers used in diaper services are reused many times, reducing the environmental impact of disposable diapers. Additionally, bulk laundry can be more efficient.

It is important to note that cloth diaper services may not be the best option for everyone. If you do not mind washing cloth diaper laundry yourself, you can save money by doing it yourself. Ultimately, the decision of whether to use a cloth diaper service or not is a personal one based on your budget, goals, and priorities.

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